As we travel back to Illinois, we stop at 2 of our favorite places!
We love going to Pensacola but not during a Covid lock down. However if you had to be anywhere during a shut down, Pensacola Beach RV Resort is the place to be!

Another favorite place for us to visit is Nashville. Of course with the lock down, not much to do here. We did try out a new RV Resort (Nashville Shores) but it is a little dated and the RV lots are right next to the water park. That sounds cool but if we didn’t have the lock down, there would be constant noise/screaming from the water park. We did have some excitement during a storm that came thru the park. Many trees fell and one came close to hitting us!

My sister and nephew live an hour away from Nashville so of course we had to visit them. We surprised my sister to be there for her birthday! It was a great time and I was thrilled to be with her. It has been a long time since we were together for her birthday and we are so proud of her and Anthony’s (nephew) family on what they have accomplished.

Bella Terra – our winter home!
We always go to Florida for the winter which is nice but can be extremely expensive to rent an RV spot (can be close to $3K/month). In addition to the expense, you have to make a 3 month commitment and it felt like we were stuck there and couldn’t go to different areas in Florida. We wanted to do something different for the 2021 winter and possibly purchase an RV lot to call our “winter home”. We shopped for an RV Lot to purchase in Florida, but nothing seemed to fit in our price range and the HOA fees were astronomical. We love the gulf and started looking there.
We found Bella Terra south of Foley AL!
Just minutes from Gulf Shores,they opened up new lots to purchase and build. They also had a sales push that included 1 year of HOA fees and they give you $10K for enhancements to the lot. The price of the lot was very affordable so we took the jump and now we will have a “winter home” to call our own! We can build it out any way we want and when we aren’t there, Bella Terra can rent it out for us! Although it won’t be as warm as central Florida, it will still be great to be in 60 degree weather in the middle of winter!

We can make additional changes like adding a shed or gazebo and put in landscaping around the lot. And since we won’t be spending money to rent the lot because we own it, we could travel in the south for winter if we like without the feeling of being stuck in one spot. We are very excited and blessed to have this winter home!
Our lot is #492 in the resort map –
RV Upgrade
I am constantly working on the RV whether it is maintenance or washing/waxing our home on wheels to keep it looking good. It can be a lot of work but I really enjoy it! One of the upgrades I have wanted to do is the toilet control panel for our maceration toilets.
Let me explain – our toilets are electronic and with the old controller, you needed to push a button to flush it. Of course that can be problematic for keeping things clean and sanitary. Dometic came out with a new control panel that lets you “wave” your hand in front of the panel to flush the toilet. Problem solved and Patti loves it!

Tori’s wedding
Things are moving forward with Tori’s wedding! We decided to use a wedding planner as Tori and Patti were feeling overwhelmed with everything that needed to get done and how to deal with potential Covid impacts. That decision is paying off and things are moving quickly. Tori and Patti are thrilled with the wedding planner!
Next update….
We are going to be in Illinois for awhile to prepare for the wedding. Our next update will be in September as we will be in Indiana for a couple of weeks for RV maintenance and seeing family and friends.
Good for you guys; obtaining a winter home.
Thanks Pam! It will be good to have that place we can always go back to at anytime.