So this post demonstrates the reasons why we are adventuring across the country – visiting family and seeing cool museums!
The Everett’s
Ron and Rosemary Everett are very important family members to us. It has been 26 years since we have seen each other but they (and their kids: Willie, Toni and Ronnie) were very helpful when moving to York.
We moved to York PA back in 1989 due to my job at the time. The Everett’s were living in Harrisburg and were a great help when we moved in (and later when we moved out). In 1990, we had our daughter Tori and it wasn’t a typical delivery (want to leave it at that). Ron and Rosemary were with us during this time and were extremely helpful. I don’t know how I could have gotten thru this without them! I will never forget their love and willingness to do whatever we needed!
We met with Ron and Rosemary at their beautiful home in Plano. All of their grandchildren are close and they have all kinds of toys for them. They also have a beautiful husky named Shilo who was extremely friendly! We talked about old times and got caught up with them and what Willie, Toni and Ronnie were doing. Ron took us out to Saltgrass for dinner! Steaks were very good and Ron picked up the tab (THANKS RON)! Willie and his kids (Jillian and Alex) came over and we got caught up on what he was doing. It was great seeing him and getting to know what he does in the printing industry, very impressive! Unfortunately Toni and Ronnie weren’t able to visit but maybe next time.
So glad we connected with the Everett’s and when we are in the area, we will again!
The Sixth Floor Museum
We couldn’t be in Dallas and not see this terrific museum. It is in the old book repository building in Dealey Plaza! It has a tour regarding all aspects of the Kennedy administration and assassination. The tour takes place on the sixth floor where Oswald shot Kennedy. It was awesome and we highly recommend it! Unfortunately, we couldn’t take pictures on the sixth floor however we could take a picture on the seventh floor right above the same spot where Oswald was and you get a sense of what he was able to see.

So cool!