So to close out 2017 – our last stop is Key West!
We were going to take the RV to Boyd’s Campground in Key West however at the last minute we made different plans. Our RV is pretty big for Boyd’s and trying to get into a spot would have been extremely difficult. So we left the RV in Fort Myers and rode the motorcycle to Key West! We stayed at a bed and breakfast called Azul Key West, just a couple of blocks from Duval Street.

We ate at a lot of great restaurants – our favorite was Antonia’s where we had a great Italian dinner – the lasagna was amazing and highly recommended!

While walking along Duval street, we saw this store front and I remembered this was used for New Years!

However the best evening was at Latitudes in Sunset Key. Our daughter Tori gave us a dinner package at Latitudes as a XMAS present!

We had to take a ferry to Sunset Key to reach the restaurant. We had the best dinner in a long time and it was great to toast each other on closing out 2017 and the great adventure!
Of course had to check out the other Key West landmarks:

And we found our favorite cruise line – Celebrity!

We were on this ship in February 2017 for our motorcycle cruise. We were able to take our motorcycle on the ship with us and ride at the various stops on the cruise. Once in a lifetime experience!
Well that was it for Key West and 2017! Amazing year and full of life changes with no regrets! We don’t miss the house, Chicago weather, working or commuting! Our biggest daily decision is what beach to go to? (Again we apologize to our northern friends and family for these constant and malicious remarks regarding warm weather, beaches and oceans).
We start 2018 staying in Tampa Bay for the winter! We leave in April to start our trek back to Illinois and Indiana to see friends and family! After that – we are heading West Baby!