Back in Town!
Back in Sarasota and we had forgotten how much we love this area. The traffic isn’t bad and the seafood restaurants are amazing! Of course we stayed at the Sun N Fun:

The tree above gave us some great shade however we couldn’t use the satellite for TV and it did dirty the outside of the coach so I was busy keeping it clean. We always enjoy coming here. Of course we are close to Patti’s sister Cheryl and we had fun visiting with Cheryl & David & Joseph, especially spending time in their pool! We also got to enjoy breakfast with Ruth & Tim & Lexi (missed you Sarah!) as well as an afternoon with Faith & Ryan – all visiting from Indiana.
The Funks!
Our good friends also from Indiana came out for vacation and we had a great time. They stayed downtown – literally at the Ritz. Very impressive. The Ritz had their own beach just past Lido Key and they invited us to join them. Great time! Greg and I did some charter boat fishing but caught nothing but wind and waves! Unfortunately, the live bait delivery never came in. Boy, the captain wasn’t happy, but we did get to spend the day out on the water. That was still a good time! The captain offered to take us out the next day but we’d had a lot of sun and decided to take it easy in the morning and go back to the beach that afternoon. Of course during all of this beach and sun time, we ate at some great restaurants in St. Armand’s Circle. The time was great and we appreciated the Funk’s coming out to see us.

Ringling Brothers Museum
Patti and I went to check out the museum. It was our first time here and it was amazing. It is a campus of several buildings one of which is called “Circus Museum Tibbals Learning Center”. This building housed several items from the circus days even the train car that Ringling would use when he travelled with the circus. However the most impressive part of the museum is the Tibbals Learning Center. Approximately 30 years ago, Howard Tibbals created a miniature circus that grew to 44,000 pieces. Every piece was hand made and unique. It spanned the west wing and it is just incredible to see. I took more pictures but I think you get the idea.

Bob and Ann
Everywhere we go we try to make some friends and keep in touch. We met Bob and Ann last year and always have a great time when we are together. They have a beautiful Newmar Essex so Bob and I are always talking about our coaches. Ann and Patti have a great time talking about Bob and I being so focused on the coaches. I am glad we provide some entertainment! They also have 2 dogs who let you know they are running the show. We always have a great time with them and I learn a lot about our RV from Bob.

That’s it for Sarasota but we have decided to make this an annual trip so we will be back February 2022!