We love going to the Cape Canaveral area for many reasons. Of course one big reason is NASA! But this time we not only went to NASA but got to see 2 rocket launches and get some beach time as well! Oh yeah, we celebrated our anniversary too (glad I remembered)!
If you are a baby boomer like me, you had a front seat watching NASA grow into this huge space program and get to the moon! I wanted to be an astronaut but who didn’t at that time. I love going to the Kennedy Space Center and learning what is new with NASA and checking out the Satrun V rocket and the Space Shuttle.

We were very fortunate to be there in a period of time where there were 2 launches! One was in the early morning while it was still dark. We found a spot on a bridge across the street from Parrish Park. It was a wonderful morning, still dark and not a cloud in the sky. Below is a screen shot of the video I took as the rocket was lifting off from the pad.

Another launch we watched occurred approximately 5:20 PM. We found a restaurant straight across the water to the launching pad. Great time having dinner and watching the launch!

The Beach!
Of course we have to go to the beach, especially on the Atlantic side!

Life on the road means you can pick where to celebrate special occasions! Our favorite steak place is Ruth’s Chris and we went to Orlando for our 37th anniversary celebration.

It was a great evening with a great woman. Would do anything for her!
It was a great trip and as you can see, we were very busy. Love this part of the country and of course NASA never fails us!
Next stop: Hilton Head and then to Charlotte!
Great travels.
Thanks Garey!